Overview of CityCamp.
CityCamp is a global movement of community-focused events that foster civic collaboration and innovation.
History href="#history"
CityCamp was founded by Kevin Curry and Jen Pahlka.
The first CityCamp was held January 23-24, 2010, in Chicago. Afterwards, Kevin and Luke Fretwell developed it as an open source brand so that anyone could host events anywhere. Since then, there have been self-organized CityCamp events worldwide.
World CityCamp Day href="#world-citycamp-day"
World CityCamp Day is held annually on the third Saturday in September.
Format href="#format"
CityCamp is an unconference focused on collaboration and innovation for local governments and community organizations.
As an unconference, content for CityCamp is not programmed for a passive audience. Content (your agenda) is created and organized by participants and coordinated by facilitators. Participants are expected to play active roles in sessions. This provides an excellent format for creative, open exchange geared toward action.
CityCamp recognizes that local governments and community organizations have the most direct influence and impact on our daily lives. These events seek to create local communities of practice who are dedicated to design, process and technology applications that make cities and other local communities more open and user-friendly. CityCamp doesn’t need to be just about technology, but it does tend to be a central thread.
Brand href="#brand"
CityCamp is an open source brand that exists in the Creative Commons (license). CityCamp is maintained as a pattern that is easily repeatable and for anyone to use. This ensures that the pattern is recognizable and that independent organizers don’t misrepresent CityCamp.
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