Jumpstart your CityCamp planning
September 27, 2011
Helping other CityCamps with Documentation
There is a lot of momentum for CityCamp. We’re seeing other cities planning CityCamps in Denver, Minneapolis, and Honolulu (and more on the way). I’ve gotten a chance to interact with a few of the planners from some of these camps and give them tips & tricks on what worked well here at CityCamp Raleigh and some gotchas that we ran into.
As I’ve been talking with folks, one of the things they find most valuable is our documentation. Because we open sourced our project plan, sponsorship kit, logistics, and many other assets created along the way, other CityCamps are able to get going faster. They are able to re-purpose the work that we did and apply it to their camp. That’s the power of open source.
To make it easier, here is a list of documents from CityCamp Raleigh that may help other folks starting or even considering putting on a CityCamp:
- Project plan
- Marketing plan (Google doc)
- Sponsorship opportunities guide [PDF]
- Speaker / Event schedule (Google Doc)
- Logistics (Google Doc)
- Contest rules
This was originally posted on citycampral.org.
About Jason Hibbets
Jason Hibbets is a co-founder of CityCamp NC.